Hermana Greenhalgh

Hermana Greenhalgh

Monday, April 27, 2015

The Phoenix Flame Burns On! - Letter 04/27/15

Buenos Tardes Familia y Amigos,

How was everybody's week? Hopefully good! Can you believe that April is pretty much over? That's so crazy how fast this month flew by! My week was great! 
So I didn't get transferred... Yes that means the Phoenix flame burns on!  That means I have 7 1/2 months here! But there were a lot of changes!  They took two zones, (which is a group of about 20 missionaries) and made a whole (for the first time in the history of this Mission) Spanish ONLY Zone.  English is their own Zone now too!! So I'm staying in Phoenix, but my Zone which is called Phoenix South lives about 30 minutes away. Weird right? Oh and on top of that Cielto, my ward, lost a companionship so there is only two companionships now.  What does that mean?  My companion and I have two areas of proselyting now!! So much work, so little time! We are literally swamped and I love it so much! I love coming home at the end of the day and being dead tired! My companion, Sister Jensen, is staying with me for a third transfer! She's the best! We get along really good! We work until we can't work anymore! I'm staying as a Sister Training Leader and Sister Johnson, my old companion, is the other one for the new Zone! We get to work together again! 

As for the things going in my gigantic area...we have 3 baptisms coming up from my previous one area, and 1 potential baptism with the new area! My companion and I are putting another wedding together for next Thursday! Shotgun weddings, aren't they the best? My friends that are getting baptized are Cecilia, Olga, and Eduardo! Cecilia is the one getting married! We have found a lot of neat people lately, I love it. I could finish my mission here in Phoenix because it's literally the greatest! 

So next Sunday is Skype time again! What the what??!!  It's been 6 months already! I'm not sure when I will be Skyping but I will make sure to get the details to all of you! 

Well this week was great, we got two areas, new zone, had a funeral, and put two people on date for baptism!

I hope everyone has a great week! 

Con amor,
Hermana Greenhalgh
 Cielito Missionaries minus Sister Jensen
Baby hats aren't that bad!
Sister Jensen and I - Transfer #3!

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